All-Mexico and the Mania of Mapping

Wowwiee I’ve been working on that Proposed US States map for a while. I had put it down for a long time, hardly touched it much this year. But I’ve finally decided its time to get this thing done. Of course, quickly remembering that working on this involves near-constant research, and subsequent rechecking of that research. I feel I am nearing some sort of finish line here.

However, as I was working on this – I found that to determine how the states would line up, I would have to walk the concept of proposed states through history – and this is where I ran into the All-Mexico movement.

This is a statehood proposal so large, so influential – its hard to imagine a world where it happened. I’m talking of course, of if the US had gone further in the Mexican-American War, much further. However, it’s really hard to find any concrete plans of what states were to be formed out of the region, and try as I might – I couldn’t find any sources real or otherwise that pointed to potential states. I tried just using the Mexican states that already exist (or, did exist in 1849, they’ve changed quite a bit) – but they’re really small and just aren’t square enough to feel truly like states that came about in the mid to late 1800s. Thus I landed on my plan, to create states that made some modicum of sense, and call them good.

I ended up using a lot of heroes from the Mexican War of Independence as state names, still can’t decide if that’s ironic or not. I think the borders mostly make sense (from a deranged 19th century perspective), but I’d love to hear what y’all think.

Here’s a link to the maps: