Makin’ Stickers

Deciding that there was far too few stickable works of art on my store, I decided to whip up a bunch of designs for some stickers. (Also at the behest of my brother, he’s been bugging me about turning some of his ideas into realities for a while – thanks to him for keeping the pressure on!)

Screen Swordfish

Not quite sure what inspired this one, might have to do with wandering around Venice, CA and seeing the 1980s/90s style murals dotting the city.

I Scream Cone

Pretty straightforward pun on this one. Though something about the colors pink and blue just scream good ice cream, even though that’s a fairly rare combo to be seen in real life.
The other day I actually walked over to this Mexican ice cream shop near by my apartment and they had some of the wildest flavors I’ve seen. Had to go with cactus fruit flavored ice cream. Honestly not the best but the novelty was worth it.

Note: Haven’t made the sticker page for this one quite yet, but its coming!

Solar System Vending Machine

Ever short a few planets and your on your way to a meeting? Don’t worry, just grab a quick celestial object from the vending machine on the way to floor: 78e^122.

Home of the Lowest Bidder

Getting back into the bumper sticker game. Wanted to make a bit of a dig on my country’s proclivity to go for the lowest possible price on many government contracts because they have an incentive to use as little of the tax payers money as possible. More of a tongue-in-cheek joke about what can be accomplished (or diminished) when using the cheapest possible labor and materials.

I also made this alternate version to poke fun at how people often treat the stories of our founding fathers much the same as legendary biblical characters. They were just men for christ’s sake, ol’ George knew that!

More stickers to come down the line – stay tuned!